Root canal vs Extraction

While neither root canals nor extractions of teeth are enjoyable, they are often needed.

Both options are available in the event of a tooth that has severe damage that cannot be repaired using a drill and filling. You may be wondering about is the difference between these two choices and what can expect from each. We’ve compiled some details to help you understand the differences between each choice.

Root Canals: Saving Teeth From Extraction

Root canals can be the best option to consider when the dentist examines the teeth and discovers that the tooth’s deepest layers (the pulp) are extremely damaged or is diseased. It is only an option when your tooth’s rest is in good enough condition to remain within your mouth.

If you are going through an operation to repair a root canal, the dentist will numb the area to open the tooth. The pulp is completely removed with special instruments, and the place that the pulp was is cleaned. Is to ensure that there aren’t any remaining bacteria.

When the chamber that houses the pulp has been completely removed, the dentist will fill the cavity with gutta-percha. It is a substance that replaces the pulp that was removed so that your tooth will function as it was in good health. A crown is placed on your tooth when it is needed to increase its strength or improve its appearance.

The pain following the procedure is a big concern for many patients. Patients can suffer from discomfort for a few days. The pain can be abrupt or dull. Sometimes, pain relief pills are required to combat this discomfort. If the pain becomes unbearable, it is essential to consult your physician.

Tooth Extractions: The Last Resort

There are instances when dentists decide that there is nothing they can do to preserve the tooth. In these instances, they might recommend an entire dental extraction.

If you are in the process of having a tooth extracted, the dentist will start by numbing your area so that there is minimal or no pain. The dentist will then focus on loosening the tooth before taking it out with special instruments. It may sound like a slap. However, you will only feel a slight pressure.

There will be some bleeding after the extraction. The dentist may ask you to take a bite of gauze to assist the blood in becoming clot. It is possible to chew on the gauze for 45 minutes. There is a possibility of experiencing some bleeding for the first day or two.

Facial swelling can develop in the aftermath of an extraction. Applying ice packs to the affected area can help reduce swelling. It is advised to consume cool and soft foods to avoid irritating the area where the tooth used to be. It shouldn’t take long to return to your normal diet. It may take up to two weeks for your mouth to fully recover from an extraction. It is essential to clean at a gentle pace throughout this period.

Dental Implants After A Tooth Extraction: Something To Consider

If a tooth is removed, there’s a gap in the tooth that can cause problems later. It could cause difficulty chewing or speaking, or even the teeth surrounding the space could move out of alignment. The jaw’s bone loss can also happen.

Implants can be an effective option to prevent these issues. Implants are a replacement for the tooth that has been removed. They function and look like real teeth and can help prevent the loss of bone in the jaw. They can be costly side, so having an insurance plan that covers dental needs will aid in the cost of this innovative treatment option.

Final Verdict: Root Canals Are Preferred, But Not Always Possible

A root canal is then likely to be the most preferred option between the extraction of teeth and a root canal. This is because the process merely fixates your teeth to ensure that it stays in their place. However, root canals are not always an ideal alternative based on the degree of damage the tooth is experiencing. Your dental professional may suggest extraction of the tooth if your tooth has been in too much damage. The procedure could be followed by a dental implant that will replace the lost tooth.