Five ways to get an old smile back

People’s eyes are immediately attracted to your mouth whenever you speak, laugh or smile. It’s obvious how well your gums and teeth are in. it may be evident in the teeth’ form, color, and shape.

The impression you give to others, particularly the first impression, could be enhanced with a gorgeous smile. It could have a huge impact on your professional and personal life. If your smile is not attractive, people may think you’re suffering from poor hygiene. A smile that isn’t ideal can lead to feelings of self-worth, making you self-conscious of the way you appear and present yourself.

Numerous oral health problems are not just cosmetic issues. Incorrectly aligned, crooked, and unevenly shaped teeth can lead to issues when eating and speaking. They can also make it harder to maintain and clean your teeth. Marmaris Dental Center in Turkey is equipped to provide a wide assortment of cosmetic dentistry that can create a smile you can be proud of.


The discoloration, yellowing, and staining on your teeth may cause your eyes and decrease self-esteem. There is a fortunately simple and efficient treatment to ease this. A variety of lifestyle choices like drinking dark-colored drinks and smoking can cause discoloration of teeth. It can also be exacerbated by age, as well as other causes. Whatever the cause, there is a simple way to enhance the appearance of teeth stained with professional teeth whitening procedures, which we offer at our dental office.

There are various ways to get at-home whitening; however, they typically require multiple efforts and may not yield the desired outcomes. The professional whitening procedure we provide can transform your teeth to get up to eight times whiter within a couple of short appointments. If the shade of your teeth is your primary problem in having a beautiful smile, don’t worry since we can swiftly eliminate any discolorations to ensure that you’ve got the smile you want.


It is essential to have all your teeth in good order for that perfect smile you’ve always wanted. Tooth loss is very common. Numerous factors can cause tooth loss, for example, an injury from a sport, an automobile accident, or poor dental hygiene. There are various options to figure out a way to restore your smile with good healthy, well-maintained teeth.

We provide a variety of cosmetic dentistry options to resolve this issue. The first option available is to design dental implants either full- or partially attached and be a replica of your natural teeth. The other option is to make an artificial bridge if you miss more than three teeth within a row. It is an excellent solution that can help keep your oral and facial health in good shape and enhance your overall appearance. Implants are an alternative for replacing your tooth. Implants made of dental material look exactly like the missing tooth and are surgically placed to create an unassailable replacement.


There is a chance that you’re self-conscious over the appearance or shape that your teeth have. Many suffer from damaged or jagged teeth or teeth that have been damaged or look unattractive in a certain way. There’s a clever and easy way to improve the appearance of your teeth. It’s something we provide at Unique Smile in Turkey.

Porcelain veneers have been specifically designed to mimic the appearance of beautiful teeth and give a natural appearance inside your mouth. It is a fantastic solution to treat chipping, discolouration, and other imperfections.


Metal braces are typically employed to straighten or correct aligned teeth. However, there’s an alternative solution that doesn’t require wearing braces in metal for a minimum of one year or two. Invisalign is an excellent alternative that delivers very efficient results.

With Invisalign, the trays made of plastic can be customized to your specific needs and used to gradually shift your teeth. In general, you change each tray every week. Each tray will cause small changes to the placement of the teeth. You’ll achieve gorgeous straight teeth without having braces made of metal.


Most of these treatments address specific dental issues; However, some sufferers are more prone to problems. It’s possible to enhance the function, health, and appearance of your teeth with the process of restoring your mouth, regardless of your current situation.

There’s a broad range of full-mouth restoration services that can be tailored to suit the needs of an individual. It can include descaling and filling cavities, Invisalign, veneers, and much more. The procedure could be a long time to complete, but you’ll notice improvements gradually throughout this time. The result is worth it when you can see a beautiful and beautiful smile in your mirror.