Bone Grafting for Dental Implants: Everything You Need to Know
When getting dental implants, bone density and quality are essential factors determining the procedure’s success. However, only some have sufficient bone available for implant placement without needing bone grafting. This article will discuss bone grafting for dental implants and what you need to know before undergoing the procedure.
First, bone grafting is a surgical procedure that involves adding bone material to your jawbone to increase its density and volume. The bone material can come from various sources, such as your own body, a donor, or a synthetic material. During the bone grafting procedure, the oral surgeon will apply the bone grafting material in the appropriate areas alongside your implant placement.
After the bone grafting procedure, you’ll need to allow the graft to integrate with your natural bone. This process can take several months, and you’ll need to follow the oral surgeon’s instructions on caring for your oral health during this time. Once the bone graft has fully integrated with your natural bone, your dental implants can be placed, and you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile.
At Marmaris Dental Center, we offer bone grafting for dental implants to ensure the success of the implant procedure for our patients. Our prices for bone grafting are set at a minimum and maximum price, so you can know how much the entire treatment will cost you before you travel to Turkey. We also offer a free consultation and panoramic x-ray to assess your suitability for dental implants and determine if bone grafting is necessary.

Sinus Lifting for Dental Implants: What You Need to Know
If you’re planning to get dental implants in your upper jaw, the position of your sinus pockets is an important consideration. In cases where bone density is low or teeth have been missing for some time, the sinus pockets can drop into a lower position, making it necessary to lift the sinuses to make space available for the implants to be placed safely. This article will discuss sinus lifting for dental implants and what you need to know before undergoing the procedure.
Sinus lifting is a surgical procedure that involves lifting the sinus pockets into the appropriate position alongside your implant placement. The oral surgeon will perform the procedure to ensure no risk to the sinus pocket or patient during the implant placement. After the sinus lifting procedure, you’ll need to allow time for the sinuses to heal, which can take several months. The oral surgeon will provide a temporary solution to continue your daily life until you return for your permanent implant crowns.
At Marmaris Dental Center, we offer sinus lifting for dental implants to ensure the success of the implant procedure for our patients. Our prices for sinus lifting are set at a minimum and maximum price. So you can know how much the entire treatment will cost you before you travel to Turkey. We also offer a free consultation and panoramic x-ray to assess your suitability for dental implants and determine if sinus lifting is necessary. Many patients also report an increased sense of smell and improved breathing as positive side effects of the procedure.