Ugly facts about toothbrush cleaning

Homes are becoming smaller and smaller to accommodate an ever-growing population, and bathrooms are becoming less and smaller. I was in one London apartment where my head was in the shower while on the toilet. For certain, the homes will not be able to expand, which means that bathrooms will become smaller and smaller.

As bathrooms shrink, so will the relationship between your toilet and your toothbrush. It is expected that they will never be in a relationship, but it is a reality that you can’t avoid in our modern society. It’s a fact that every time you flush your toilet, it releases an aerosol consisting of tiny water droplets which contain fecal matter. The particles could be as high as 10 inches higher than the seat and then remain in the air until they settle onto the surfaces of the bathroom. A study was conducted 24 toothbrushes were spread throughout a bathroom. You used the two toothbrushes every morning while you rinsed the other 22 daily throughout the month. You stored two additional toothbrushes in an office far from bathrooms in the same period. Then, at the end of the month’s test, you took the toothbrushes to a microbiologist to undergo the bacterial test. The toothbrushes were unique. Toothbrushes, including two that have never seen the in the bathrooms, were covered with tiny pieces of Fecal matter. The study proved there was fecal matter on your toothbrushes, as well as everywhere else within your home. It’s time for you to acknowledge the reality that the brush you are using is probably to be covered in Poop. Studies have shown that there’s an opportunity that 60% of your toothbrush has been covered in Poop and an 80percent possibility that the Poop is owned by somebody else!

It is crucial to understand the context of things. A toothbrush could contain 10 million or more bacteria, including E.coli. In addition, it is normal for between 100 and 200 varieties of oral bacteria to live inside your mouth. It’s the same number of bacteria as the floor of a bathroom that hasn’t been cleaned for the past. While it’s impossible to eliminate germs from your toothbrush, you can assist keep it healthy by limiting exposure to harmful germs. Keep in mind these points:

If you keep your toothbrush near close to the sink may be contaminated due to the water splashing while washing your hands and your face. The soap you use to wash your face could get transferred onto your toothbrush. Make sure to keep your toothbrush within your bathroom cabinet and away from germs as you can.

Ensure to flush your toilet using the lid shut to prevent unwanted germs from spreading throughout the bathroom.

Your toothbrush isn’t an orange that you accidentally dropped on the floor at Sainsbury’s. If you drop your toothbrush on your bathroom floor, then the five-second rule doesn’t apply

 the toothbrush is in contact with the particles of toilet cleaner that have accumulated on the floor and other debris that you put on your shoes. Be sure to wash your toothbrush every day. Although you can’t get rid of all the bacteria, it is helpful to soak the toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide or mouthwash that contains an antibacterial agent each week or if your toothbrush is smacking against the floor.

If you fitted your toothbrush with a plastic cover, this could make your brush dry between brushes, which can cause mold to grow.

If you keep your family’s toothbrushes, the bacteria can move between them if the heads touch. In every household, people suffer from illness, and it’s extremely easy for the illness to spread among your toothbrushes. Like when you are a regular user of sucking the toothpaste out of the tube, germs can get passed from one person to the next.

Don’t give your toothbrush away. I confess that I’ve been guilty of this previously, most notably when traveling with my husband, but it was before I wrote this blog article!

Find a new toothbrush. There’s a reason we are advised to change our toothbrush every 3 months. Follow the recommendation and maintain your dental health.

Happy Brushing, Folks!