What are dental veneers teeth made of?

What are Dental Veneers?

Dentist veneers (sometimes known as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are thin, custom-designed shells made of tooth-colored materials that protect the front surface of teeth from enhancing your appearance. The shells are attached to the sides of your teeth and change their shape, color, length, size, or shape.

Types of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers can be created out of porcelain or resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers are more resistant to staining than resin veneers. They also better mimic the reflection characteristics that natural teeth have. It would help if you talked about the best veneer material with your doctor.

What Types of Problems Do Dental Veneers Fix?

Veneers are frequently employed to repair:

Teeth that appear discolored as a result of:

Treatment of the root canal

The stains are caused by Tetracycline as well as other medications

excessive levels of fluoride

large resin fillings

Other causes

Teeth that have been damaged

Teeth that have chipped or broken

Teeth that are out of alignment or uneven or formed (for instance, they may have bulges or craters in their teeth)

Teeth that have gaps between them (to fill in the gap between them)

Dental Veneer Procedure

A veneer for the mouth will typically need three appointments with a dentist. One visit to be consulted followed by two more visits in order to make and then place the veneers.

One tooth or several teeth may undergo the process of veneering simultaneously.

Treatment and diagnosis planning

Your dentist will discuss with you the outcome you’re trying to get. In this appointment, your dentist will inspect your teeth to determine if the veneers you choose are suitable for you. Then, they will discuss the procedure as well as the limitations. They might make photographs and take impressions of your teeth and mouth.


To prepare a tooth to receive veneers, the dentist must reshape the surface of your tooth. This is approximately equal to the size of the veneer that our dentist will insert into the tooth’s surface. You and your dentist will determine if they will apply numbing to the area before trimming away the tooth’s enamel. The dentist will then create a model or impression of the tooth. We will send the model to a dental lab, where they create your veneer. It typically takes 2-4 weeks to allow the porcelain veneers back from the lab. Temporary dental veneers can be utilized in the interim.


Your dentist will apply the dental veneer over your teeth for a visual examination of its appearance and fit by repeatedly removing and trimming the veneer until you get the perfect fit before permanently bonding it onto your tooth. The veneer’s color is modified by changing the color of the cement to be employed. The tooth needs to be cleaned, polished, and cut. The etching process roughens the tooth to enable a stronger bonding process. A special cement is bonded to the surface of the veneer. It is then positioned on the tooth. After the veneer is placed, the dentist shines a beam of light onto it, which will activate the chemicals within the cement, which causes it to set quickly. The last step is to remove any left cement, examine your bite, and make any necessary adjustments. Your dentist may request to return for a second visit within two weeks to assess your gums and veneer’s location.

They give a natural tooth appearance.

Gums are well-suited to porcelain.

Porcelain veneers can withstand staining.

You can choose the color of your choice to make dark teeth appear more white.

They don’t generally require more shaping than crowns, but they’re stronger and appear more attractive.